Sunday, February 04, 2007

Class Discussion: Revelation 8

The class discussion this morning was excellent! Even the first time attenders brought up great discussion. We covered the sixth trumpet. The class is slower than the pace of this blog, which is fine. It allows us to more thoroughly explore the topic and to understand the reasoning process of working with the rich images of Revelation. The class is doing very well in observing and understanding the interpretive issues in these passages.

One question for future exploration is how does Matthew 24, the Olivet Discourse, fit with the book of Revelation. That will be an upcoming topic. Another question raised earlier is how does the temple fit with the book of Revelation. That will be covered when we look at Revelation 11 and the two witnesses.

Please feel free to ask any questions, either in class or on the blog.

Part 1 of the class is scheduled to end at the end of February. The class will pick up again in the Fall of this year. I will do a review of what was covered so far and then we will continue. If time permits, we will also examine other issues, such as Heaven and the New Earth. There is an excellent resource on this topic, Randy Alcorn's Heaven.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Earl Flask said...

You are welcome. I also continue the discussion in my other blog, MetaSchema That is a summary walkthrough of Revelation during the month of December in 2007.